CORAL Exclusive Promotion

"Dream Destination Dollars"

What is included in the Dream Destination Dollars Promotion?

Wedding couples who make a group booking of ten or more rooms may receive:

  • 75 Paid Room Nights = $500

  • 100 Paid Room Nights = $750

  • 125 Paid Room Nights = $1,000

  • 150 Paid Room Nights = $1,250

  • 175 Paid Room Nights = $1,500

How are the “dream destination dollars” awarded?

  • The wedding couple may receive a cash incentive, with the total dollar amount based on how many room nights are booked within their wedding group . The wedding couple will receive the cash increment above and the money is put directly on the wedding couple’s credit card to be used however they like!

  • Room nights are calculated about one month pre-travel once the group has finalized their reservations entirely.

  • If you are receiving another “cash back” promotion, you cannot use comped (free) rooms towards the room night calculation in the Dream Destination Dollars Promotion.

What are the terms of the Dream Destination Dollars” promotion?

  • Your wedding group must book a minimum of 75 paid room nights and ten rooms to qualify for the entry level cash back.

  • This promotion applies for all resorts included in CORAL’s Preferred Partner list (there are lots!). Please email for more details.

  • The promotional dollars are reimbursed directly to the wedding couple’s credit card that they used to pay for their room. In the event that a check is required, there is a 4% banking fee.

Do you want more info about the Dream Destination Dollars Promotion?

Please enter your contact details below to request wedding day availability, the resort's wedding packages, their group rates and/or group promotions!